Lists of High Volume Breeders & Brokers,
Petstores & Rescues The Ohio Dept of Agriculture Director Dorothy Pelanda We are encouraged to report the Ohio Dept of Agriculture is now listing some Commercial Dog Breeder information on this page of their site: We hope they will continue to expand that information and add inspection reports so consumers and pet stores from all over the country can be sure the puppies they are buying are coming from high volume breeders that follow the basic minimum care that the Ohio legislature and interested parties agreed upon. Transparency Issue with The Ohio Dept of Agriculture Unfortunately The Ohio Dept of Agriculture requires all inquires to be done via FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). Advocates have long requested meeting handouts and breeder inspection reports listed on the Ag web site, but this request is always met with refusal to be transparent. (even with breeder address being redacted) Instead, The Ohio Dept of Agriculture spends your tax money on staff gathering the info to send to you, once you have spent your time on a FOIA request. At the last board meeting on Sept 22, 2021, public comments were limited to 2 minutes and as always, no questions were permitted to be asked. Advocates keep hoping The Ohio Dept of Agriculture will be more transparent and community friendly, but in fact, the current administration has made the meeting worse than ever. Further demonstrating this point is the Ohio Dept of Agriculture's omission of interested advocates who regularly attend The four required Commercial Dog Breeder's Board Meetings in not alerting them to the new rules. Oddly enough, The Ohio Dept of Agriculture may tell you they made 73 interested parties aware of rule changes but of those 73, you will find: -The Sierra Club, the Petland Lobbyist, The Welsh Pony Assn, The Quarter Horse Assn, Ohio Poultry Assn, Ohio Pork Producers, The Perceron Assn (draft horses), Ohio Harness Assn, Ohio Farm Bureau, Ohio Dairy Producers, Ohio Beef Council, Anderholm Vet Clinic (a vet for the high volume breeders), The Batchelder Company-The lobby group for the Amish high volume breeders, Delaware Equine Club, East Holmes Vet Clinic- vet to the high volume breeders, Ohio Forum for Companion Animals-an Amish high volume non profit org. Columbus Dog Connection has attended all but 2 board meetings since the inception of the board. Other humane advocates (individuals and org's) also attend regularly and were not alerted. Of the 73 interested parties listed, see the entire list at this link: you will also be able to compare the sign in sheet at every board meeting and see that most of these groups have never attended one of these board meetings. Please come to the meetings. They are held at the Dept of Ag in Reynoldsburg and are open to the public. We list meeting dates below. We've asked repeatedly to be added to the list of meeting changes, that too has been denied. 2021 See Ohio's 21 dog breeders on HSUS Horrible 100 List 2020 See Ohio's 9 dog breeders on HSUS Horrible 100 list Check both the high volume breeder as well as broker list to see if you are buying from a breeder that sells enough pups that they must have a license in Ohio. -Updated each January. New breeders registering after January won't be listed. You can make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for a more updated copy of the lists below. [email protected] Board Meeting Handouts
(includes stats about inspections, # of licenses, etc) September 22, 2021 June Meeting Minutes (Horrible 100) June 16, 2021 June 17, 2020 Sept 2, 2020 Licensed High Volume Dog Breeders 2021 Licensed High Volume Dog Breeders & Brokers updated July 2021 2020 High Volume Breeders 2020 Ohio Brokers/Retailers/Intermediary -unless a new breeder starts a business, licenses expire end of year --see this link for a blank high volume dog breeder application -unless a new broker starts a business, licenses expire end of year --see this link for a blank broker application Ohio Pet Stores -pet store license vary by month for renewal Ohio Dog Rescues -unless a new rescue organizes, licenses expire end of year Rescue Brokers are unethical but at this time, not illegal in Ohio. Rescue Brokers have high "adoption" fees, mostly puppies or pure, young dogs, say they spay/neuter before adoption but actually have you pay a deposit and you have the spay/neuter surgery done at your vet. Rescue Brokers say things like: -we rescued these dogs/pups from the Amish -we got these dogs/pups out of the breeding cycle Report a bad breeder in Ohio
Ohio Dept of Ag, Commercial Dog Breeding 844-820-2234 Make a Complaint to Commercial Dog Breeder Program Manager [email protected] If you need more details on how to submit a: request for public info: Commercial Dog Breeders Info 2021 Commercial Dog Breeder Meetings Open to the Public, click on link above to confirm meeting dates listed below have not changed. Scroll to bottom right of link to "Upcoming Events". Meetings take place at 1pm. March 17 June 16 Sept 15 Dec 30, 12:30pm, Bromfield Auditorium, Dept of Agriculture, Reynoldsburg 2022 Dates coming soon. Commercial Dog Breeder Board Members Position Held & Term Expiration Dr Mike Frederick Veterinarian Mar 12, 2021 Dr Patricia Haines Breeder Mar 12, 2022 Lisa Zimmerman Rescue Mar 12, 2022 Matt Granito Dog Warden Mar 12, 2023 Lori Carlson Humane Society Mar 12, 2023 Linda Stickney Public Member Mar 12, 2024 State Vet Dr Brian Summers No expiration Administrative Code Pet Store Regulations Find out if an Ohio breeder is licensed by the USDA (select the "List of Active Licensees and Registrants" link Where else to report a Bad Breeder History of the Ohio Puppy Mill Bill
This page last updated January 6, 2022
--More Detailed Definitions of Breeders, Brokers, Rescues,
see below for abbreviated definitions --- High Volume Breeders must be licensed and fulfill requirements established by the Ohio Depart of Agriculture ---A High Volume Breeder- keeps 6 or more breeding dogs, AND does at least ONE of the following: 1) sells 5/more dogs/puppies to dog brokers/pet stores 2) sells 40/more puppies a year to the public 3) keeps on the premises at any given time in a year more than 40 puppies under 4 months of age ---Dog Broker, retailer, intermediary is someone 1) who buys or sells dogs at wholesale for resale or 2) who sells or gives dogs to a pet store An Ohio county kennel license is only available for a resident that breeds dogs. Continuing News Coverage on Ohio's High Volume Breeders
---Dec 24, 2019 Cleveland Fox 8 latest on Ohio's high volume breeders ---November 7, 2019 Cleveland Fox 8 What's being done about problem dog breeders ---November 8, 2019 Cleveland Fox 8 I-Team surprises high volume dog breeders; here's what they found ---Columbus Dispatch Article Feb 2019 --January 27, 2019 Ohio puppy broker, named in Michigan Petland Campylobacter lawsuit ---Sept 23, 2015 I-Team Philly Investigates: Where Are Puppy Stores Getting Their Dogs From? Puppy Mill & Pet Store Bills Passed
2012 Senate Bill 130 Passed, The Original Puppy Mill Bill 2016 Senate Bill 331 Passed, A pet store driven bill that passed the Senate & House & Floor in just a few days. 2018 House Bill 506, The 2nd Puppy Mill bill passed which was a negotiation of HSUS's Ballot Initiative & the breeding industry. No other humane groups had input. Ohio Licensed High Volume Breeders: As of March 27, 2019
-418 High Volume Breeders -562 Brokers/Retailers As of April 2019, the following counties had the corresponding number of county kennel licenses: County Kennel Lic State Kennel Lic Coschocton Co 710 waiting for #'s from Ag Holmes Co 370 Tuscarwarus 58 Most recent high volume breeding bill, effective 9/28/18 --- Breeders must be licensed and fulfill requirements established by the Ohio Depart of Agriculture ---A High Volume Breeder- keeps 6 or more breeding dogs, AND does at least ONE of the following: 1) sells 5/more dogs/puppies to dog brokers/pet stores 2) sells 40/more puppies a year to the public 3) keeps on the premises at any given time in a year more than 40 puppies under 4 months of age ---Dog Broker, retailer, intermediary is someone 1) who buys or sells dogs at wholesale for resale or 2) who sells or gives dogs to a pet store In Ohio, you may only have a county kennel license if you breed dogs. For the above counties to have such a disparity in state vs county license, there is likely an obvious flaw. ---The new law also: -requires constant access to clean water & food 2 times/day -bans stacking of cages -banes wire flooring -increases size of kennels -requires daily exercise and socialization -requires housing w/ other dogs -places limits on number of litters females can have -requires retailers to acquire pups from breeders who meet these standards, regardless of what state the breeder is located in |
Puppy Mill: A dog breeder that puts profit before the well-being of a dog. Dogs are housed in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions without adequate veterinary care, food, water and socialization.
Ohio Puppy Mills in the News
Frequently Asked Questions |
Puppy Mills In Ohio
Marion Star Nov 15, 2012 Columbus Dispatch Nov 14, 2012 Cleveland Press Nov, 12 2012 The Plain Dealer Nov, 12, 2012 Columbus Dispatch Nov 12, 2012 Dispatch Editorial Nov 11, 2012 Columbus Dispatch Nov 10, 2012 -Pickaway Co Nov 8, 2012 Circleville Herald -Huffington Post on Shelby Co Ohio Puppy Mill Oct 26, 2012 -Pickaway Co Pup Mill Oct 2, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Article Sept 24, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Letter to the Ed Sept 23, 2012 -Toledo Blade Editorial Sept 18, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Editorial Sept 14, 2012 Hannah Report (Statehouse News Info) Sept 12, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Letter to Editor Sept 13, 2012 -Ch 4 Testimony on SB 130 Sept 11, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Guest Editorial Sept 1, 2012 -August 2012 ---all stories immediately below related to Puppy Miller Edith Buchko of Richland Co Ohio. Buchko was banned from breeding in New Jersey and move her operation of 250 dogs to Ohio. -Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial Aug 12, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Editorial Aug 6, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Editorial July 18, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Article July 12, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Editorial Feb 2, 2012 -The Toledo Blade Editorial Feb 2, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Article Feb 1, 2012 -The Other Paper Feb 9, 2012 -Columbus Dispatch Editorial Nov 18, 2011 -Columbus Dispatch SB 130 Nov 16, 2011 -WKRC Cincinnati Feb 2011 Ohio Dog Auctions -Buckeye Dog Auction, Holmes Co Oh very graphic -The Wall St Journal, Dec 2010 Breeder making $120k -Cleveland Scene July 2010 Amish connection -Buckeye Dog Auction May 2010 Owner Threatens Reporter -Columbus Dispatch Oct 2009 Editorial -Cols Dispatch July 2009 Pup Mills Must Be Stopped -Cols Dispatch Lawsuit Seeks to Stop Breeder July 2009 -Dispatch, Petland/Pup Mill Connection April 2009 -Jo Ingels interviews Rep Hagan April 8, 2009 -Nightline investigation of Amish Mills March 2009 -Ch 10 Petland being Sued March 19, 2009 -Dispatch Editorial Feb 2, 2009 -Dispatch Editorial Nov 28, 2008 -Dispatch Letter To Ed 11/7/2008 -YouTube Ohio Puppy Mill Rescue 11/23/2008 -Dispatch Editorial 10/13/2008 -Coschocton Co OH August 2008 banned breeder -W Virginia Pup Mill Video 8/30/2008 -Dispatch Editorial 7/13/2008 -Dispatch Editorial 4/17/2008 -Toledo Blade 6/11/07 -Columbus Dispatch Editorial 5/2/06 -Columbus Dispatch Article 4/27/06 -Cincinnati Ch 12 WKRC 4/27/06 -Cincinnati Enquirer 4/27/06 -Columbus Channel 10 4/26/06 Columbiana Co Puppy Mill April 2010 Tuscawarus Co Puppy Mill 80 dogs removed, filthy conditions March 2008 View Ohio Dog Auctions Ohio Puppy Mill Articles Perry County Ohio Puppy Mill Owners Get 10 year Suspension CAPS Pittsburgh PA, Channel 4, story on Ohio Pup Mills May 2006 Puppy Mill in Morrow County in 2002 Perry County OH Puppy Mill Owners Get 10 yr Suspension -More Puppy Mill Articles |
Question: What are conditions like in so called puppy mills?
Answer: Large numbers of breeding dogs kept in cramped cages that are not regularly cleaned. Breeding dogs receive little to no medical treatment, and are not properly socialized either with other dogs or with humans. Such breeders engage in large scale breeding of many different breeds of dogs. These dogs are then sold to consumers without documentation of the dog’s origin or state of health. Puppy mills negatively affect responsible breeders who care for the health, social and behavioral aspects of the dogs and puppies they breed and sell. Puppy mill produced puppies are often sick and born with genetic defects and sold to unsuspecting consumers under the guise of being “registered” and/or “purebred”. Consumers don’t know they are buying a dog born and bred in horrendous conditions. When the breeding dogs have become so ill or bred so much that their uterus collapses, they have been known to be disposed of by drowning, bludgeoning, shooting, surrendered to tax supported dog shelters, or sold at auction. Question: Does Ohio have a puppy mill problem? Answer: Yes. Ohio has over 11,000 kennels. The dog breeding business is not regulated in Ohio. The USDA only regulates wholesale breeders. The USDA has 161 licensed breeders in Ohio (many of which are breeders of animals other than dogs). Ohio is second only to Missouri in number of puppy mills. National undercover investigators have called Ohio the worst state for the sanitary conditions that dogs live in. High volume, irresponsible breeders locate in Ohio because there is no regulation that addresses substandard conditions, and the few laws that do exist must be enforced by a county dog warden who lacks the facilities and funds needed to enforce the existing animal cruelty law. This bill will bring change by providing an enforcement entity to address and shut down abusive puppy mill operations in Ohio, so that responsible breeders can flourish, and consumers can be protected. Info about Ohio High Volume Kennels2009 Video of Ohio Kennel
Effect Ohio rescues -Graphic images of high volume kennel owner carrying/dangling dog by two front paws. This dog died in from hereditary disease. -Interview of Junior Horton, infamous breeder kicked out of Virginia for deplorable breeding practices. Horton now lives in Coshocton County with over 400 dogs. -1000 dogs removed from West Virginia Breeder Sharon Roberts. She agrees not to breed in W Virginia ever again. She is now living in Washington County Ohio. Washington County Ohio Sheriff found over a quarter of a million dollars in cash in her home. Summary There are 161 USDA licensed breeders in Ohio. With over 11,000 kennel registrations in Ohio, there is a great disparity in the USDA licensing and inspecting of the appropriate number of kennels. Most high volume kennels are not under USDA enforcement because they are not selling wholesale. Ohio is the 2nd worst state for the number of puppy mills in the country and, in the opinion of an undercover investigator who has videoed puppy mills across the nation, Ohio is the worst in the entire country for conditions the dogs live in. Existing Ohio legislation does not provide for public accountability where deplorable conditions exist. Ohio is quickly gaining the reputation as the puppy mill capital of the Midwest. The high volume kennels are the major concern. Reputable breeders, veterinarians and dog enthusiasts continue to embrace the puppy mill language. Minimum standards for dog care (such as unfrozen water bowls, daily feeding, living quarters free from a build up of urine/feces) are a few of the requirements included in the puppy mill legislation. This bill encourages responsible breeding and the raising of dogs for the pet industry. A puppy purchased from an Ohio breeder will be a badge of honor instead of a mark of shame. Our goal is to address the situations where dogs are being warehoused in deplorable conditions. Please read below as to how you can do your part to make sure the Puppy Mill Bill is passed. Estimates suggest OH has a 1 billion dollar breeding business. Holmes County Commissioners testified against the puppy mill bill, but did state the dog breeding in Holmes County generates $9 million a year. We believe that to be grossly underestimated. This article from the Indy Star states that 92 Indiana breeders are USDA-registered. Lawmakers and industry experts estimate there are as many as 3,000 commercial dog breeders in the state, fueling a $1.3 billion industry. If Indiana is estimating that 3000 kennels generate 1 billion....then Ohio could be as high as 3 billion in untaxed revenue. OH has over 11,000 kennels, 161 USDA licensed. When we looked at these numbers....we reduced the kennel numbers to 9,000. (given that 2000 could be hunters or low volume breeders or people who have a license that should not) |