Updated March 15, 2021
Stories listed chronologically except for 1st story because it warms our heart so much. How our beds helped a long term shelter pooch in New YorkSo far I've made a number of the beds for my local feral cat rescue and local dog shelter. It's going well and my husband and I really enjoy making them.
Turbo had been at the Schuyler Shelter for MORE THAN A YEAR. He got the first bed we sent to Schuyler and this is a photo of him using it. He LOVED it they said. Funny thing is, within one week of getting the bed, he was FINALLY adopted. They said he stopped "rushing" the front of his cage whenever someone came to see him because he was so cozy on his bed. People finally started noticing him for the nice dog he was and BINGO.....he has a wonderful home now! Gave me goosebumps when they told me. I thought that was pretty cool. Sure makes me want to make more beds.....for Harlan in Kentucky and as many other places as possible. Donna in New York November 2006 |
Turbo. Waiting for a home for over 1 year. After he received his elevated dog bed, he was adopted within a week. Read why to the left.
Cape Town, South Africa
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
If you have connections to shipping or financial support in Cape Town, South Africa, please contact Brenda directly at:
Brenda Isaac, 4 Swaan Crescent, Amandelsig, Kuilsriver, Cape Town, 7580, South Africa
Email: [email protected]
Hi Kellie
Wow, Its Monday morning here, I am having an early start at work and can you imagine the me starting my week off like this, the surprise on my face when I saw your mail. I did not expect this at all, this is unreal I need to pinch myself. Thank you so very much for the kindness you have shown, it just brings tears to my eyes right now. I still can’t believe that this is happening. My hope has been restored.
I am sorry that I haven’t kept in touch with you, but a lot has happened since our last communique, COVID has not being very kind to my broader family here in SA. For the whole of last year we have come off unscathed by this pandemic but from the January to date I have lost a cousin in Cape Town and a cousin and his wife in Johannesburg due to COVID. I wish it will all just end already. I hope that you, your family and colleagues are all doing well on that side of the world. We are entering our Autumn season now, it’s starting to get nippy in the mornings and evenings, Winter just seems to come earlier every year and lasts longer than usual. Our seasons have changed dramatically, at times we can experience all four seasons in a few days sometimes even in a day. Life certainly has changed and so has people but our God is still in control and on the throne. What you are doing to make a difference warms my heart. I have read all the stories on your web page and it just blows my mind. I want to be part of this movement to make a difference.
Anyway on a lighter note. I have made another bed for a colleague of mine. She told me that her dog sleeps outside in a shed, so I decided to make her a bed and the response was heart warming. (see picture above with translation)
My name is Brenda Isaacs, 55 years of age and I live in Cape Town, South Africa, I watched your video on YouTube with regards to the elevated beds that you make and I have been inspired to start a similar project to make beds to sell to boost our income as I am currently the only breadwinner at home, my husband lost his job during lockdown, and at the same time I would also like to donate to people who cannot afford to purchase a kennel. I have seen many dogs lay on cold cement and when I saw the video I knew this would at least get them off the cold ground.
I was so excited that I went out today to purchase my pipes and cloth to trial and use as a sample. I have attached a picture of my unfinished attempt using old pipes which I had laying around. What I am inquiring about is the corner pieces that you use for the beds, I have searched suppliers of PVC piping but they don’t seem to stock that particular corner piece in your video here in South Africa. I would like to know, if it is at all possible for you to assist me or alternatively direct me to a store that could perhaps give me a quote on the corner pieces and the screws to courier to me. The second photo attached is the connectors I used to put the frame together, instead of having to purchase only 4 connectors I’ve had to purchase 8 just to make the frame which is not cost effective. Your assistance in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
Again thank you so very much for your assistance and the great work you are doing. Your video was a game changer for me hence my drive to do something for our fury friends.
Kind Regards
Cape Town, South AfricaAgain thank you so very much for your assistance and the great work you are doing. Your video was a game changer for me hence my drive to do something for our fury friends.
Brenda Isaac, 4 Swaan Crescent, Amandelsig, Kuilsriver, Cape Town, 7580, South Africa
Email: [email protected]
Hi Kellie
Wow, Its Monday morning here, I am having an early start at work and can you imagine the me starting my week off like this, the surprise on my face when I saw your mail. I did not expect this at all, this is unreal I need to pinch myself. Thank you so very much for the kindness you have shown, it just brings tears to my eyes right now. I still can’t believe that this is happening. My hope has been restored.
I am sorry that I haven’t kept in touch with you, but a lot has happened since our last communique, COVID has not being very kind to my broader family here in SA. For the whole of last year we have come off unscathed by this pandemic but from the January to date I have lost a cousin in Cape Town and a cousin and his wife in Johannesburg due to COVID. I wish it will all just end already. I hope that you, your family and colleagues are all doing well on that side of the world. We are entering our Autumn season now, it’s starting to get nippy in the mornings and evenings, Winter just seems to come earlier every year and lasts longer than usual. Our seasons have changed dramatically, at times we can experience all four seasons in a few days sometimes even in a day. Life certainly has changed and so has people but our God is still in control and on the throne. What you are doing to make a difference warms my heart. I have read all the stories on your web page and it just blows my mind. I want to be part of this movement to make a difference.
Anyway on a lighter note. I have made another bed for a colleague of mine. She told me that her dog sleeps outside in a shed, so I decided to make her a bed and the response was heart warming. (see picture above with translation)
My name is Brenda Isaacs, 55 years of age and I live in Cape Town, South Africa, I watched your video on YouTube with regards to the elevated beds that you make and I have been inspired to start a similar project to make beds to sell to boost our income as I am currently the only breadwinner at home, my husband lost his job during lockdown, and at the same time I would also like to donate to people who cannot afford to purchase a kennel. I have seen many dogs lay on cold cement and when I saw the video I knew this would at least get them off the cold ground.
I was so excited that I went out today to purchase my pipes and cloth to trial and use as a sample. I have attached a picture of my unfinished attempt using old pipes which I had laying around. What I am inquiring about is the corner pieces that you use for the beds, I have searched suppliers of PVC piping but they don’t seem to stock that particular corner piece in your video here in South Africa. I would like to know, if it is at all possible for you to assist me or alternatively direct me to a store that could perhaps give me a quote on the corner pieces and the screws to courier to me. The second photo attached is the connectors I used to put the frame together, instead of having to purchase only 4 connectors I’ve had to purchase 8 just to make the frame which is not cost effective. Your assistance in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
Again thank you so very much for your assistance and the great work you are doing. Your video was a game changer for me hence my drive to do something for our fury friends.
Kind Regards
Cape Town, South AfricaAgain thank you so very much for your assistance and the great work you are doing. Your video was a game changer for me hence my drive to do something for our fury friends.
Brenda Isaacs
4 Swaan Crescent, Amandelsig, Kuilsriver, Cape Town, 7580, South Africa
4 Swaan Crescent, Amandelsig, Kuilsriver, Cape Town, 7580, South Africa
Van Nuys, California
August 2020
August 2020
Los Angeles
December 2017 Gary & Pat, pictured with their kids, have made many elevated beds over the years. In fact, Gary used our design to come up with a sewn version of the hammock part, which eliminates the need for screws. It's a great option if you have a seamstress in the house. These beds were donated to Hope for Paws in Los Angeles. Way to go Gary and Pat ! |
Fairfax County Virginia October 2017
Blake Switzer Troop 160 in Herndon Virginia Hi Kellie I just wanted to say thank you again for donating all the material for my sons Eagle Scout project ! It was a great success and we will be donating 30 elevated dog beds to the Fairfax Co Humane Society here in N Virginia. Thanks so much for all you guys do! |

Maricopa Co Phoenix AZ Nov 28, 2016
100 beds were delivered to shelter dogs on Sunday. (Source: KPHO/KTVK)
The dogs and the volunteers both benefit from this act of kindness. (Source: KPHO/KTVK)
Dogs at Maricopa County Animal Care and Control have warm beds to sleep in thanks to the hard work of a group of dedicated volunteers.
"I've been here many times, I foster a few, and I know they need beds, it's freezing out at this time," said Jill Smyros with Step Up USA said.
She said the group of people from Gilbert made the elevated beds themselves. "This was my favorite event of the whole year. All the kids, all the parents, we had so many people. We almost had to turn them away, but we didn't," Smyros said. They delivered the 100 beds to some grateful pups on Sunday.
"Huge impact, as soon as you put that dog bed in, the dog jumped in. It was awesome," Smyros said. "They're perfect for our kennels because we can sterilize them. They're heavy-duty. They last a while," Melissa Gable with Maricopa County Animal Care and Control said.
At no cost to the county, Gable said they can't say "thank you" enough. "We actually cannot go out and solicit for donations so the fact that these people contacted us and tell us this is something we want to do really helped us out," Gable said.
The dogs and the volunteers both benefit from this act of kindness, Smyros said. "I want to get the littles involved to make sure they know how to give back starting at a young age, so they love it and get used to it as they get older," Smyros said.
More Pictures below.
100 beds were delivered to shelter dogs on Sunday. (Source: KPHO/KTVK)
The dogs and the volunteers both benefit from this act of kindness. (Source: KPHO/KTVK)
Dogs at Maricopa County Animal Care and Control have warm beds to sleep in thanks to the hard work of a group of dedicated volunteers.
"I've been here many times, I foster a few, and I know they need beds, it's freezing out at this time," said Jill Smyros with Step Up USA said.
She said the group of people from Gilbert made the elevated beds themselves. "This was my favorite event of the whole year. All the kids, all the parents, we had so many people. We almost had to turn them away, but we didn't," Smyros said. They delivered the 100 beds to some grateful pups on Sunday.
"Huge impact, as soon as you put that dog bed in, the dog jumped in. It was awesome," Smyros said. "They're perfect for our kennels because we can sterilize them. They're heavy-duty. They last a while," Melissa Gable with Maricopa County Animal Care and Control said.
At no cost to the county, Gable said they can't say "thank you" enough. "We actually cannot go out and solicit for donations so the fact that these people contacted us and tell us this is something we want to do really helped us out," Gable said.
The dogs and the volunteers both benefit from this act of kindness, Smyros said. "I want to get the littles involved to make sure they know how to give back starting at a young age, so they love it and get used to it as they get older," Smyros said.
More Pictures below.
New Jersey, April 2014
New Jersey Couple Makes Columbus Dog Connection Elevated Dog Bed for shelter who save their dog.
Steve & Tammy made/donated 40 of our elevated dog beds for the dogs at Associated Humane Societies in NJ. Their beloved pooch Gracie motivated them to help dogs in this New Jersey Shelter. Kellie, as promised below are some pictures from both shelters that we donated the beds too. Some of the pictures are doggies laying on our beds. So cool and such a great feeling. |
Santa Rosa Co FL February 2014
Florida, Santa Rosa County, February 2014
A great day at the Santa Rosa Animal Shelter today. The Eagle Scouts got all of the beds finished. Thanks to Dotti Brightman for cutting the material and repairing some of the odd size beds; to the volunteers of CARE of Santa Rosa County, FL and the Eagle Scouts for coordinating the attaching the fabric to dozens of other frames; to Island Quest Canvas for the donation of these amazing rolls of material pictured below, and to Coastal Canvas of Pensacola for its donation of sturdy vinyl to also help with this dog bed project. Finally, thanks to Columbus Dog Connection for instructions on making dog beds and inspiration! Ann Hill |
California December 2013
Beds for Best Friends in Utah & the Orange Co CA Shelter
This is the 2nd big bed build for this group! Kellie, Here are pictures of the 14 beds we just finished for Christmas 2013. We’re delivering half the beds to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, UT in a couple of days and we’ll deliver the other half to the Orange County CA Animal Shelter when we return. We haven’t inserted legs in most of the beds since they are easier to transport that way. We’ll pound the legs in when we get to our destinations. The last photo shows our beds being used at Best Friends last year. Gary and Pat (and Raymond and Sammy) |
Raleigh Co West Virginia October 2013
I wanted to share some photos from our Build A Bed. I'll send a few, but you can go to the album on Facebook listed link below to see all the photos. https://www.facebook.com/selina.vickers.9/media_set?set=a.10200482563656874.1073741828.1540749583&type=3
Thank you SO much for the YouTube video. It is what inspired me to coordinate this event. We made 45 beds for a shelter with 50 kennels. They already had some beds. :) Selina Vickers for the dogs of Raleigh Co Humane Society |
Minnesota, August 2013
Tammy Humphries and husband Wes
of Stillwater made and donated ten dog beds for the Duke Memorial Redwood Area Animal Shelter Aug. 3. |
From the Redwood Falls Gazette:
“It’s Christmas in August,” said Sue Weelborg, of the Duke Memorial Redwood Area Animal Shelter. On Aug. 3, Tammy Humphries and her husband Wes, of Stillwater, stopped by the shelter with a few donations. “Few” means items ranging from 10 custom-made dog beds to a pick-up’s worth of handmade blankets and cat toys, dog and cat food, and other items. Why would a couple from Stillwater donate to the Redwood area shelter? “My family owns some land in the Redwood area, so we already knew of this shelter,” said Tammy, playing with dogs in the shelter’s back room. Humphries’ love of animals is statewide. She created a Facebook page, “Lost Dogs - MN” that has already reunited dozens of dogs with their owners across the state. “We are an all volunteer group committed to reuniting owners with their lost dogs,” stated Humphries. “This service is provided free to dog owners, shelters/rescues and animal control professionals.” The Humphries created the dog beds and delivered them just shortly after the shelter finally received its last shipments of kennels for the dog room. “They came in at the perfect time,” said Weelborg. “We like donating to small no-kill shelters as our way of showing support,” said Tammy, “and since we had a connection to Redwood, we had to visit.” Hi Kellie I watched your video on making the PVC dog beds and was inspired. So we bought the materials used some of the vendors your suggested and started yesterday. We plan to make 15 beds to donate locally, we've got 7 done. We donated one to Diamonds in the Ruff Rescue, PetHaven rescue, that is where I rescued my girl from, who is the inspiration for all my donations, and 10 beds to Redwood Area Friends of the Animal Shelter. My family owns farm land in Redwood falls, they are a 1 year old shelter desperate for help, so we gave it to them! I also decided that since we were going there, and we were taking the RV anyway, why not fill it up with other stuff too, so we did! You'll see in the photos. The financier was myself, and the makers of the beds were My Mom- Sue, Dad- Bob, husband- Wes and Myself. Our bed testers were Jasmine Marie (small and my girl) and Baily moms doggie. We spent about 3 solid weekends on the beds. It was a true labor of love. One weekend we had the power out due to a storm, so my parents fired up the generator and we powered on to finish them up! Our final donation was on Sat Aug 3rd to The Redwood falls shelter. There are some pics of the volunteer gals in the photos. Names are Sue and Mckenzie Weelborg. They were so excited they had a few of their board members there, and the local newspaper! As we were packing up to leave, after spending a good 2 hours there, getting a tour and playing with the dogs and cats, I decided, we were going to make this a yearly donation. Not the beds, done with those, but anything and everything else they need and we can get. I then told some friends and some of my volunteers (I run a Facebook page called Lost Dogs- MN, and I have 19 volunteers, some of which also pitched in on the donation) already signed up to help next year, and a volunteer who's parents own a nursery in Redwood falls, offered to donate some shade trees and landscaping for the shelter and even plant the stuff for them this year!! Paying it forward! I have talked to them about getting them a chip reader and microchips, and I'd like to get donations to help them with fencing so they can have an outdoor run for the dogs. That will be on my list of things to do for this year. All of this started with these beds, for me to buy and make to give away. And its turned into such a wonderful thing, and I met many new friends as a result! I am a lucky girl to be a part of it all, and happy to help when I can. I've attached a zillion pics, you pick which ones you'd like to use. I'm Tammy, the one with the long black hair :-) Thanks for the support, and helping me on this journey! Keep up the great work Tammy Humphries and Family |
California, December & October 2012
Gary & Pat delivered 8 beds to Best Friends on December 23rd.
The staff distributed them, along with tons of toys and treats, on Christmas Day.Hi Kellie, We’re getting ready to gear up and start making our 2nd set of beds. We plan on taking some of these to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah when we visit this winter. Attached are some pictures of the beds we completed and then donated to the Orange County and Irvine Animal Shelters here in California. After several attempts, we ended up with our own sizes and dimensions for the beds. The material was donated from a company that manufactures premium outdoor patio furniture. We couldn’t have done it without your website’s information and instructions. Our first attempt (the orange one which we use in our home) was assembled using a Coolaroo replacement cover that we purchased on Walmart.com then finished off by cutting PVC to size. Thanks for your website advice and for all the good things you guys do. Sincerely, Gary & Pat Turnbeau (and Raymond and Sammy) |
Lake Oswego Oregon, October 2012
My son decided to build raised dog beds for a service project. We adjusted some dimensions because of the material we had donated and available at good discounts. Used 25 yards of Cordura pack cloth which was 58" wide -- so cut in half was 29" wide and everything was adjusted from there. 210 feet of PVC, 164 corners, added 164 end caps on legs. Used 3/4"screws because easier to handle than 1/2". Pre-cut the pipe. Had teams of fabric cutters, PVC assemblers, and fabric installers. Took about an hour to crank out. Because of the donations the cost of the beds was about $ 9.00 each. (Plus the cost of cookies for volunteers and gas money picking up and delivering. ) Beds were donated to Oregon Dog Rescue, New Life Family Dogs, and the local county animal shelter. Everyone was thrilled to get the beds. A great project. Steve Collett Lake Oswego Oregon |
Michigan, August 2012
Florida & Georgia July 2010
Cots for Homeless Canines helping faraway dogs
Sharon Steelman spearheaded this effort which lead to over 500 beds being built/donated to shelters in Florida and Georgia! July 10, 2010 (but we (Columbus Dog Connection) just learned about this awesome woman April 2012) WALTON COUNTY — Sharon Steelman is working one county at a time to make sure every animal control dog has a dry place to sleep. After donating beds to all of Walton County, Steelman’s organization, Cots for Homeless Canines, is donating beds to dogs in Santa Rosa County Animal Services. “I just think that every dog deserves a dry place to sleep,” Steelman said. “We’ll be supplying county by county wherever there’s a need.” The cots are made of PVC pipe and boating mesh and cost about $10 each. They allow the dogs to sleep above the concrete that is also used as their bathroom. “In these facilities, all they have are concrete floors, which get very cold in the winter and are damp in the summer,” Steelman said. “So we’d really like to donate to whatever shelters have a need and express an interest in getting our beds.” Santa Rosa’s shelter received 30 test beds and has requested additional bedding for their canines. Steelman said the design for the beds was taken from another company where beds average $45 each. Dora Thomason, operations manager at the shelter, said any donation is exciting, but the beds have had a positive effect on the canines. “I’ve seen a change in attitude from some of the dogs,” Thomason said. The cots are designed to help dogs with their orthopedic health as well as being non-chewable and durable. The beds also help prepare the dogs for adoption and staying in beds at their new homes. “We’re very happy about this donation,” she said. “It is so kind and generous to just give like that." Steelman said once Santa Rosa County is complete, she has shelters to help in Panama City and Alabama. The holdup, however, continues to be funds for buying supplies. “It’s always funds that block us from doing more,” she said. “We could make 10 beds a week if we had all the materials. ”For more information on donating or volunteering, e-mail Steelman at [email protected]. “I’m doing this because I want these dogs to be in a healthier environment and this is something I could do to help,” Steelman said. “We want to help make these dogs as comfortable as possible and these cots seem to be the way to do it.” |
Bastrop, Texas March 2012
Hello Columbus Dog Connection:
We just wanted to say "Thank You" for all of the informational resources that you have provided to rescue groups on your website for the Kuranda Style Dog Beds! We use all of the resources that you provided on your website and step-by-step, we order the materials, organized volunteers & a date to build the beds, and we did them! Attached is a couple of pictures of us assembling them. They just built the beds today, so we will get more pictures of the dogs sleeping on them! We are located in Bastrop, Texas - Just 45 Miles East of Austin, Texas. Our precious pups use to sleep on the cold, hard concrete floors, but now Thanks to your help, we have build a bed for every kennel. With having some of the materials donated and purchasing some, the beds ended up being $14.75 a piece! :) Thank You So Much! Please see attached picture! Thanks - Jeremy Parks & Lorraine Joy Co-Founders Urgent Animals at Bastrop County Animal Shelter www.facebook.com/urgentbcas P.O. Box 317 - Bastrop, Texas 78602 |
Philadelphia Pennsylvania February 2012
Hazleton man creates beds for shelter dogs Philadelphia Area, PA BY JILL WHALEN February 9, 2012
Paul Kattner of Hazle Township stands with two raised pet beds he has made and will donate to area animal shelters. Kattner is hoping others will help with his "Beds 4 Paws" project. Through the Hazle Township man's "Beds 4 Paws" project, homeless animals won't have to sleep on
cold, concrete floors."The way I see it, animals don't have anyone to talk to. They didn't ask to be born, and they didn't ask to be dropped off on the side of the road," Kattner said of the reason behind helping the homeless canines.
The bed frames are made from lengths of pipe on which Kattner affixes heavy, washable canvas.The beds are elevated, Kattner said, so "dogs won't have to sleep on the cold floor in the winter or on the hot floor in the summer."The Animal Resource Center near Bloomsburg already uses off-the-ground beds and is welcoming Kattner's donations. He also dropped off a trial bed to the Hazleton Animal Shelter.
An animal lover, Kattner found plans for the beds on a website for the Columbus Dog Connection, a group of dog enthusiasts in Ohio who rescue all breeds of canines. He contacted the group and learned that members had built and donated numerous beds to shelters across Ohio.He figured he could do the same locally, and shelter officials were receptive to the plans. He's making small, medium and large beds, and is hoping members of the community will assist him. For information on how to help, email him at [email protected] resident John Medashefski will help with the next round of beds, and Kattner has received support from Hajoca Corp., Hazleton Area Landlord Organization , Cedar Street Supply, Tractor Supply Co., attorney Donald Karpowich and George Hayden Inc. Those who donate will have their names added to the beds with white chalk, he said.He also invited other regional animal shelter representatives to contact him if they want to learn how to build the beds for dogs - or even cats."I can't make beds for every shelter, but I can show volunteers how to make them," he said.Kattner said he has a deep love of animals - something he believes was instilled in him when he was growing up.His dog, Snowball, was adopted from a shelter, and Kattner encourages others to consider adopting shelter animals.
[email protected] Standardspeaker.com/news/hazle-man-creates-beds-for-shelter-dogs-1.1269279#ixzz1m173CHwT
Paul Kattner of Hazle Township stands with two raised pet beds he has made and will donate to area animal shelters. Kattner is hoping others will help with his "Beds 4 Paws" project. Through the Hazle Township man's "Beds 4 Paws" project, homeless animals won't have to sleep on
cold, concrete floors."The way I see it, animals don't have anyone to talk to. They didn't ask to be born, and they didn't ask to be dropped off on the side of the road," Kattner said of the reason behind helping the homeless canines.
The bed frames are made from lengths of pipe on which Kattner affixes heavy, washable canvas.The beds are elevated, Kattner said, so "dogs won't have to sleep on the cold floor in the winter or on the hot floor in the summer."The Animal Resource Center near Bloomsburg already uses off-the-ground beds and is welcoming Kattner's donations. He also dropped off a trial bed to the Hazleton Animal Shelter.
An animal lover, Kattner found plans for the beds on a website for the Columbus Dog Connection, a group of dog enthusiasts in Ohio who rescue all breeds of canines. He contacted the group and learned that members had built and donated numerous beds to shelters across Ohio.He figured he could do the same locally, and shelter officials were receptive to the plans. He's making small, medium and large beds, and is hoping members of the community will assist him. For information on how to help, email him at [email protected] resident John Medashefski will help with the next round of beds, and Kattner has received support from Hajoca Corp., Hazleton Area Landlord Organization , Cedar Street Supply, Tractor Supply Co., attorney Donald Karpowich and George Hayden Inc. Those who donate will have their names added to the beds with white chalk, he said.He also invited other regional animal shelter representatives to contact him if they want to learn how to build the beds for dogs - or even cats."I can't make beds for every shelter, but I can show volunteers how to make them," he said.Kattner said he has a deep love of animals - something he believes was instilled in him when he was growing up.His dog, Snowball, was adopted from a shelter, and Kattner encourages others to consider adopting shelter animals.
[email protected] Standardspeaker.com/news/hazle-man-creates-beds-for-shelter-dogs-1.1269279#ixzz1m173CHwT
St Louis Missouri November 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah October 2011
My name is Robert Moore and I wanted to thank you for your sacrifice, love, and service to a vulnerable part of our society. My son, Caleb Moore has a strong desire to help animals much like you. He was trying to find an Eagle Scout Project, so he visited a local animal shelter and then we came across your website. So, he decided to make 25 elevated dog beds for the shelter as his Eagle Project. Needless to say your instructions and YouTube video were extremely helpful.
Keep up the great work! Thanks again, Robert Moore A Salt Lake City, Utah television station did a story on my son, your website and YouTube video. So, you were highlighted all the way out here in Utah. Here is a link to the story: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=17517945 Newpaper Article http://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/south/spanish-fork/article_73216a75-7e0e-5d47-893d-a83d3012a4f6.html |
Madison Co Indiana May 2009
Thank you sooo much for your efforts toward making this project happen! The paper didn't get all the details quite right of which beds/condos go where,
but that's OK. We even have extra materials to make a few more. :) You guys are great for helping so many dogs you'll never see and people you'll never meet. Happy Trails and Waggin' Tails! Jan Kleopfer Hot diggity digs for dogs Saturday, May 30, 2009 Madison County Courier Madison Co Indiana Freshman Cody Miller helps to steady a "dog condo" frame as sophomore Patrick Green attaches the cloth material to the frame, and sophomore Kyle Stephan uses a band saw to cut PVC pipe to size for the frame in the construction technology class at Madison Consolidated High School. The students' work was for the Elevated Dog Bed Project. The beds, also called dog condos, are for local shelters and rescue operations, and is being funded by Bridges for Animals in Madison and the Scottsburg Environmental Club at Scottsburg High School. Additional materials were provided by the Columbus Dog Connection in Ohio. Six large and two small beds will go to the Leota Animal Rescue facility in Scottsburg and two will go the Madison-Jefferson County Animal Shelter in Madison. The project is one of several community service projects that the MCHS construction technology class took on this school year. Last week, the students also made picnic tables for the Kent Volunteer Fire Department and the Faith Alliance Church in Madison. Teacher Mike Frazier said the projects are good for the local organizations and for the students because they get to build things that will be of use in their hometowns. (Staff photos by Ken Ritchie) |
Troy Michigan July 2010
Bed A Palooza
Above, Deven Godau, left, of Trainers Academy, Troy, measures fabric for a dog bed with Jackie Rudity of Retro Dogs Rescue and Lisa Patana, also of the academy, at an event called Bed-a-palooza. The T-shirt of Jamie Wolfe, right, explains it all: "Because no shelter dog should have to sleep on a cold floor." The volunteers recently made dozens of beds for local animal shelters in Madison Heights, Warren and Sterling Heights as well as poorer rural areas in northern Michigan. |
Sebastian Florida June 2010
Winter Haven Florida June 2010
Elevated Dog Project Helps Dogs in Winter Haven Florida
Hi Kellie, I have talked to you by email a few times over the past year. I just wanted to give you an update on our progress. Save Our Homeless Pets, a local animal organization I volunteer for, has just donated another 100 of the large elevated beds to Polk County Animal Control in Winter Haven. They were delivered this afternoon. We also donated 105 in February, which brings the total to 205. In addition, we have also recovered 61 to date with new fabric to be used again (which included some of the beds the local high school featured on your site had donated in Dec). Thanks for the wonderful website and easy to follow instructions. Tara Simpson, Save Our Homeless Pets, Doggie Do Gooders Make Our Beds in Winter Haven Florida Read the entire article Mary Garcia says the first thing she did when she returned home was check the Internet for dog beds. Garcia discovered a Web site from Ohio for Columbus Dog Connection, www.ColumbusDogConnection.com. This team of a few "Doggedly Dedicated Dogmanity Do'ers," pooled its creative talents and came up with an easy and inexpensive way for anyone to build an elevated dog bed. The Web site home page shows a photo of the inspiration for a dog bed idea. The photo shows dogs in a rural shelter in Ohio sleeping on wet floors and one dog appears to be slumbering in what resembles a litter box. The Web site was just what Garcia needed to get started in her efforts to help the Polk County dogs that wait on adoption row for a good home. The site provides step-by-step instructions, a list of materials needed, and a list of suppliers who carry them. |
Dearborn County Indiana October 2009
I thought that you might like to see the dog beds that we built for the local animal shelter. Since we have built these we have had requests for other rescues and shelters for beds and we would like to build more but we will need more material. So we would like to built 20 more beds. Home Depot donated the PVC so all we had to pay for was the corner pieces. These are just some of the beds....this picture is going into our local paper and we are going to present this idea to council for other Girl Scout troops to do.
Vicki Reiter
I wanted to get back with you to let you know that we will not be needing anymore awning material to make more dog beds because we have found plenty of companies willing to donate here in Cincinnati...Queen City Awning just gave us a complete 50 yard roll of brand new material because it was discontinued...in fact I cannot get to all the places that are willing to donate material.
We dropped our first set of beds off at the Dearborn County Animal Shelter and will be taking our net batch to the Rising Sun/Franklin County Animal Shelter and then we are going to take a few to the local vets for the older dogs that need to spend the night for various reasons.
Vicki Reiter
I wanted to get back with you to let you know that we will not be needing anymore awning material to make more dog beds because we have found plenty of companies willing to donate here in Cincinnati...Queen City Awning just gave us a complete 50 yard roll of brand new material because it was discontinued...in fact I cannot get to all the places that are willing to donate material.
We dropped our first set of beds off at the Dearborn County Animal Shelter and will be taking our net batch to the Rising Sun/Franklin County Animal Shelter and then we are going to take a few to the local vets for the older dogs that need to spend the night for various reasons.
Ft Lauderdale Florida October 2009
Hello Kellie,
I wanted to thank you and your wonderful organization for the elevated dog bed directions you posted on your web page! Some good friends and I recently started volunteering at a local shelter in Ft. Lauderdale and quickly realized that their larger guests were in desperate need of some good, comfy beds! Thanks to the magic of Google, I stumbled across your directions and within a month or so, we had networked our way into getting the PVC and awning donated and birthday donations provided funds for the 3 way corner pieces. We put out the word to friends and co-workers and organized a group of 30 people who cranked out 58 beds in just under 3 hours JWhoever came up with those plans is a certifiable genius as they were unbelievably easy to put together and your directions could not have been more clear and easy to follow. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I have attached a couple photos to show you what an amazing idea you had and what an amazing impact these beds had on the dogs who received them (not to mention the overjoyed shelter staff when we showed up to deliver them!) Thanks for all the good work you do, Warmest regards, Jennifer Hessley |
Florida 2008
Kentucky 2007
Dogmanity in Pendelton Co Kentucky by Luv 4 K9's in Dayton 2007
August 30, 2008 We had a ball !! 18 people turned out Saturday. We had a bed making party last Sunday. All 25 dogs got beds, their kennels cleaned, walked, brushed and got new toys, lots of treats and rawhides. We got Stanley Steamer to steam the floors. We took 8 big tubs full of food and for storage...enough food for a couple of months. We ran two outlets for wet vacs/fans, fixed the hot water heater, repaired cages, introduced dogs to people who might be able to get them out of that shelter. Thank you for sharing Dogmanity with us. We love your website, we send a lot of adopters, fosters and people who email us asking how they can help with puppy mill dogs to the Columbus Dog Connection web site. We never miss a Mingle With Our Mutts Adoption event in Dayton or a chance to tell anyone about the Columbus Dog Connection Habitat for Dogmanity and Elevated Dog Bed program. |